Bathtime fun
Bathing wee babies is frightening and daunting to begin but you will become an expert in it as time goes on. At this stage it is about making sure you have a hold on them firmly and have everything on hand close by so there is no need to want for anything.
Cradle your baby’s head with one arm, supporting baby’s head and neck with the other arm. Gently lower your baby into the bath, feet first, keeping a close hold at all times. Supporting your baby’s head, lay baby down in the bath so the back of baby’s head is submerged. Gently splash some water onto baby’s head - this will get them used to the feeling of water near their face.
Remember to “Let it Go’: No we are not talking about that song from Frozen, we are talking about ignoring ALL distractions such as texting; answering the phone; and ignoring someone at the door wanting your attention. Ignore all distractions even short ones – it’s not worth the risk as a baby or toddler can slip below the water in an instant.
Devote all your time to your baby and child. It is a special time so spend it together by being in the moment.
Gather all your equipment - A bathmat prevents your child slipping into the bath. Water Safety New Zealand in conjunction with Plunket distribute to new parents a special branded bathmat which contains a great message on keeping your child safe in the bath. Bath rings, seats and other contraptions are dangerous and should not be used as child can slip out of a seat or ring or be held under the water by them. They are not worth the risk.
Keep your child at arm’s reach always - The younger the child, it should be skin to skin contact when bathing. As they age be ready to grab at any moment.
So enjoy bathing your child – it can be an opportunity for some one on one time.