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At the swimming pool

There is nothing better than taking your child to the local swimming pool and spending quality time with them however it can be a hazardous place unless you keep them close to you. Active supervision is the key and always keeping your eye on your child is paramount to their safety.

Drowning deaths include children under five, those who are non-swimmers and those people who are caught out of their depth.

People often mistake that it is the pool management's and life guard's responsibility for children's safety who are using the pool. This is not the case. Lifeguards are not babysitters nor are other adults using the pools. Your child is your repsonsiblity at all times.

Lifeguard duties include the overseeing of the safe operation of the facility and making sure that everyone is having a good time. 

Remember to always obey the insuctions of the lifeguards and read the advice and warning signs around the pool.

Active supervision

It means focusing all your attention on your children at the pool, at all times whether they are in, on or around the water. You must be within arms' reach, interacting with your child and be ready to enter the pool at a moment's notice if there is an emergeny. The age of the child also dictates the level of supervision required.


  1. Instill in your children that they must always obey the lifeguards instruction and follow the advice on signs around the pool.
  2. Lifeguards are not your child's babysitters.
  3. Lifeguards are there for everyone's safety and they can't have eyes in the back of their head's to see everyone. Focus on your child.
Inspiration for this content came from the Australian Royal Life Saving organisation

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