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Outside the gate

Outside in the world is one of the hazardous places for a child. A moment's inattention and your child can be away getting into water without you. In fact, when a child goes missing always check the water source around you as they are often fascinated with it and are drawn to it.

Always supervise your child; identify water hazards; restrict access to the hazard and ensure that they are safe at all times.

Remember to shut gates especially keep swimming pool gates shut at all time - this means not wedging it open for ease. You might forget and your child could easily get inside your pool area resulting in disaster.

Outside the family home, it is different environments that can cause the danger - ponds, rivers, beaches and creeks - any source of water is a dangerous to your child.

Unfamiliar environments outside the family home are very hazardous.

Remember to check for water hazards when out and about and to mitigate the risk. Identify the danger; supervise your child at all times; keep them in arms reach; keep focussed; and obey rules and regulations. Remember that you child learns from watching you so make sure you become a good role model.






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